Rare and inherited diseases
Commissioned tests for those with rare and inherited diseases.

Cancer (solid tumour)
Commissioned tests for solid tumour cancers

Haematological malignancy
Molecular genetic and cytogenetic testing for diagnosis and follow up of haematological malignancies.

Genetic tests to help determine effective treatments for patients.

National Genomic Test Directory
Details of all genomic tests commissioned by the NHS in England, including patient eligibility criteria.

Test order forms
Direct access to our order forms if you know which test you want to order and how to order it

Whole genome sequencing
Whole genome sequencing can provide additional genetic information and is available for a range of clinical indications.

Patient choice and consent
An appropriate discussion of genomic testing must take place before testing is requested.

Sample requirements
Please ensure you follow the specific sample requirements for the test you need.

Transport of samples
Please read our instructions on the transport of samples.

Our assays
We use a range of assays to carry out the tests listed in the National Test Directories.

Turnaround times
The turnaround times for Genetic/Genomic tests have been specified by NHS England.