Calling all diabetes teams working in maternity in England...
Non-urgent advice: Details
Date, time and location
Thursday 22nd February 2024, 10am - 4pm
10 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ
80% of people with monogenic diabetes are misdiagnosed.
Help us to change that.
Join us for a national study day in London to learn all about Monogenic Diabetes in pregnancy.
We're offering a secured slot for one staff member per maternity diabetes team to attend our study day in London on Thursday 22nd February. Lunch and refreshments are all provided and funded places are available (excludes expenses to attend the day). These places are limited to one per Trust/site.
Criteria for attendance
- Must be in a current role that involves diabetes in maternity services (Doctor, Midwife or Nurse as an example).
- Must be allocated/agreed via senior leadership team within the Trust.
- Must attend a follow-up workshop (Date tbc) to develop a strategy to support pathway planning and embedding within in East of England.
- To share learning with other midwifery colleagues by way of training session or newsletter.
- Each Trust is responsible for supporting a clinician to attend the session, and a follow-up workshop.
Please could you provide a name, role, and e-mail contact of the identified clinician to attend the session to our Midwifery Lead by Friday 26th January.
We may be able to offer a further place depending on numbers, therefore if you have a second clinician you would like to reserve a place for, please do let us know.
Many maternity services for diabetes in pregnancy are currently misdiagnosing many women with genetic forms of diabetes as they are being identified as having gestational diabetes (GDM).
This misclassification leads to inappropriate management during pregnancy of both mother and baby, particularly with regards to over-treatment, inappropriate long-term risk assessment, and failure to assess or classify members of their families. As genetic testing for diabetes is now integrated into NHS services for those that meet criteria, this provides an opportunity to improve individualised care.
There has been ongoing work within other GMSA’s, more specifically the South East GMSA to improve on knowledge and pathways for monogenic diabetes. One of the outputs includes a ‘Monogenic Diabetes in Pregnancy’ Study Day to improve the uptake of testing and diagnosing women within maternity services.