East Genomics

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R21 inclusion criteria and pathway and checklist for clinicians

On this page you will find resources to guide and support clinicians around Rapid Prenatal Exome Sequencing (R21), including a poster outlining inclusion and exclusion criteria, and a pathway and checklist document.

How should I use these documents?

Please note, these resources were produced by NHS East Genomics drawing on input from Fetal Medicine clinicians, and are based on national guidance.

You can either download and print these resources direct from this page or, if you require a version in your own Trust's branding (i..e your Trust logo) please contact us using the details at the bottom of this page. Before doing so you may wish to consider seeking approval via your own Trust governance routes.

The minimum recommended size for the R21 Inclusion posters is A3. Please discuss with your Trust Communications Team if you wish to have copies printed for your service.

R21 Inclusion Criteria

R21 Inclusion criteria poster R21 Inclusion criteria poster2
R21 Inclusion criteria poster R21 Inclusion criteria poster2

R21 Pathway and Checklist

Genomic Test Directory (V5 April 23) Inclusion Criteria for rPES (R21)

Rebranding queries

If you would like to discuss the production of versions of the above resources with your own NHS Trust branding please contact lauren.capacchione@nhs.net