On this page you will find Lynch Syndrome information and guidance documents, management guidelines and protocols, templates for patient letters and family history taking and patient information on colorectal and endometrial cancers.
How should I use these documents?
There are a number of template documents on this page which contain information that can be used by any Trust across the East Midlands and East of England.
However, you will need to download the document(s) you wish to use and apply your own Trust template and branding, including logo and any local contact information. These documents are clearly marked out by the following image:

Templates bearing this image need to be put into your own NHS Trust templates/branding.
Testing guidance and protocols
Management guidleines
The following management guidelines have been produced by the UK Cancer Genetics Group (opens in a new tab).
Record of discussion form
Patient letter templates
Genetics result template letters for Lynch testing through mainstreaming pathway: