East Genomics

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Genomics Pathology Accelerator Programme (GPAP)

Supporting histopathology labs within the our region to map, audit and improve the tissue pathways for priority solid tumours.

What is pathology?

Pathology is the study and diagnosis of illness by looking at the tissues that make up our body. It underpins every aspect of patient care from diagnosis through to treatment. Identifying barriers, delays and opportunities within priority tissue pathways will impact patient care, as pathology is a key enabler for genomic testing.

Identifying barriers, delays and opportunities within priority tissue pathways will impact patient care, as pathology is a key enabler for genomic testing.

What are we doing?

We aim to establish a mechanism for communication and engagement between East Genomics, Cancer Alliances and all histopathologylabs in our region.

We are doing this by supporting histopathology labs within our region to map, audit and improve the tissue pathways for priority solid tumours and inform business cases for local developments to support priority solid tumour tissue pathways.

Who are we working with?

  • Regional Cancer Alliances (East Midlands and East of England)
  • All histopathology laboratories within our region.

Progress and next steps

  • An audit has taken place on the initial pathway with largely positive consistency to the desired pathway. A full report has been produced.
  • NHS England is introducing Cellular Pathology Genomic Centres, which will impact on future pathway developments.

Meet our team