East Genomics

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Cancer (solid tumour) tests

This form should be used for the majority of solid tumour tests, EXCEPT whole genome sequencing tests and the new HRD test.

For those tests that require whole genome sequencing (WGS), please go the appropriate page.

For HRD testing for advanced ovarian cancer, please go to this page.

If you are not easily able to edit this form once saved, here are a few tips:

  1. Open the form by clicking on the above form, or downward arrow
  2. Right click and save the document to your computer
  3. You should then be able to add your detail to the form either by:
  • selecting 'add text' option at the top of the page
  • or (should you see a different screen), top left of page - choose TOOLS Choose FILL & SIGN Complete form

4. Please then save, print and send with a copy of the pathology report and appropriate tissue specimens (as detailed on the form)