East Genomics

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Embedding a nurse-led model of genetics consenting within Ophthalmology services at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

What are we doing?

We are evaluating the feasibility of nurse-led models of genetics consenting within NHS Trust Ophthalmology services in the East Midlands, and comparing with known feasibility of embedded genetic counsellor models.

Specifically, we are training specialist nurses within regional Ophthalmology clinics in genomic testing indications, counselling and consenting to enable genomic testing to be initiated from within Ophthalmology services prior to clinical genetics referral if subsequently indicated.

Why are we doing it?

This will increase service capacity and potentially lead to an increase in genomic testing, and improve access to genetic testing for more patients.

It will also enable more patients to participate in a range of current Clinical Research trials to improve our understanding of genetic eye conditions.

Who are we working with?

Ophthalmology and Clinical Genetics services at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Progress and next steps

  • Clinical Genetics has staff in place to support training.
  • Ophthalmology are setting up an electronic referral pathway via Medway and plan to run virtual clinics to ease pressure on clinic space.
  • A nurse/orthoptist will shadow Genetic clinics.
  • A 'Genomic Testing summary aid for genetic eye conditions' is in development.
  • Lead Ophthalmologist will publicise project via Department meetings and posters in clinic rooms.

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