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More patients in the East to benefit from personalised breast cancer treatment
A ground-breaking breast cancer programme pioneered at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, which decodes the genetic sequence of a patient’s cancer is to expand in the East.

Largescale study of children with genetic disorders finds huge benefits of diagnosis
For Lisa Hawker, getting a diagnosis of her daughter Jaydi’s rare genetic condition was life-saving.

New app launched to support estimated 175,000 people in the UK with Lynch Syndrome
A new app has been launched to help people living with Lynch Syndrome to monitor and manage their condition, alongside their treating clinicians.

First newborn babies tested for over 200 genetic conditions as world-leading study begins in NHS hospitals
Hundreds of babies have begun to be tested for over 200 rare genetic conditions as part of a world-leading study in NHS hospitals that aims to screen up to 100,000 newborns in England.

Whole Genome Sequencing at Birth: Implementing the Generation Study
A free-to-attend online event discussing the Generation Study – an NHS-embedded research study which is sequencing the whole genomes of 100,000 newborn babies, in order to understand whether we can improve our ability to diagnose and treat genetic conditions.

Our September 2024 newsletter out now!
Our latest East Genomics newsletter is out now.

Research and Innovation job opportunities
We are recruiting to two new roles in the research and innovation space.

Patient information leaflets - Glucokinase hyperglycaemia testing in pregnancy
We have added three new patient information leaflets on glucokinase hyperglycaemia testing in pregnancy to our website, adapted from resources originally produced by the South East Genomic Medicine Service.

Specialist Paediatric Workshop - 'Condition Suspected' Pathway of the Generation Study
A Generation Study Workshop, hosted by the East GMSA with a short presentation from representatives of Genomics England's Generation Study.

East GMSA Regional Midwives in Genetics and Genomics Network (RegMiGGs.net)
RegMiGGs.net brings together regional midwifery professionals from all levels, educators and those in specialist roles that support the embedding of genomics in maternity services.

Manchester leads implementation of lifesaving genetic bedside stroke test
An innovative bedside genetic test being implemented in Manchester could dramatically improve outcomes for thousands of people in the UK affected by stroke each year.

Upcoming East Region Paediatric and Prenatal Genomics Forums
Below you can find more information and registration links for our upcoming East Genomics Forums for Paediatrics (25 July) and Prenatal (16 September).

Monogenic Diabetes in Maternity: Educational and networking event for maternity diabetes teams
This event is free to attend for clinicians from the East of England and East Midlands.

Whole genome sequencing ‘game changer’ for diagnosis and personalised treatment of adult cancer patients
New research shows that a specific form of genetic test – known as whole genome sequencing, or WGS for short – is invaluable in patients with a certain type of cancer that is difficult to diagnose and treat.

Cutting-edge genomic test can improve care of children with cancer
Cambridge researchers say a genetic test offered by the NHS improved clinical care of children with cancer, and should be provided to all children with cancer.

Invitation to our Monogenic Diabetes in Maternity mid-point project update
A meeting to update maternity diabetes service leads on scoping work in the East region, around introducing testing for glucokinase hyperglycaemia within the gestational diabetes care pathway.

Ride for Rare - help us raise funds to support people and families affected by rare genetic conditions
On Sunday 15 September 2024, teams of healthcare and genetics professionals will embark on bike rides around Nottingham and Cambridge to raise money for charities supporting people with rare genetic conditions.

Let’s Talk Genomics #GenomicsConversation week
#GenomicsConversation week held during 24-28 June, is led by the Genomics Education Programme. This event takes place annually and features several events and activities to spark a conversation about genomics and increase awareness of the subject across the workforce, including Midwives.

New report reveals solutions to lack of ethnic minority communities in genetic research
Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities are poorly represented in genetic medicine research and artificial intelligence-based risk prediction tools used to calculate the chance of developing future disease.